Carla For Congress 2016
Carla Spalding was born in Kingston Jamaica and came to the United States as a legal immigrant at age 18. She credits her “very brave” mother, who gave up a comfortable lifestyle, in order to give her children an opportunity to strive in this country.
Shortly after coming to America she joined the U.S. Navy and spent four years of active duty in San Diego CA, leaving the Navy with an honorable discharge. She considers all those in the military, past and present, part of her family. She attended a Christian high school and continues to trust in the Lord God.
After leaving the Navy, she moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, where she went back to school to obtain her Bachelor of Science degree. She continued to earn her Master of Science degree in Nursing – with a concentration in education, in order to teach at the college level. Ms. Spalding has also served America’s Veterans at a local VA hospital.
She has wide experience working in many areas, including: emergency rooms, mental health units, home health care, and in class room settings. She is particularly proud of knowing with certainty that she has motivated many individuals to return to college for their own higher education.
In addition to her accomplishments in the field of nursing, she has earned her real estate broker's license.
She was able to accomplish all this, while working two jobs and raising two children.
Clearly, Ms. Spalding knows the importance of hard work and the value of getting a truly good education. Her love for God, family, America, and indeed all people, are what bring her joy.
Ms. Spalding has long been an outspoken advocate for our neglected Veterans, children and seniors in need. She is an ardent advocate, and has been a strong voice for those who are unable, or do not know how - to speak out for themselves.
While others view nursing as a career, for her, caring for others goes much deeper, Carla has caring for others in her heart. In recognition of her leadership, dedication, and selfless service, she was recently honored as Nurse Of The Year in 2013.
She believes the time has come, to turn her heart and energy to where she can accomplish the most for the greatest number of Americans - the U.S. Congress.
Thank you,
Carla Spalding, MSN/ED, BSN,
I have a great desire to assist this country from heading in the wrong direction and be a real voice for the people. Our economy is not producing enough jobs for those who need them, and college graduates are having difficulty finding jobs - especially in their field of study. I believe that Washington needs to have people with "real-world" experience, common sense, and critical thinking skills. Serving our people and our country is one of the most important to me. I believe that, 'together we can do it'. We can! We can create practical and effective solutions to the challenges that we are being faced with. As a veteran, an educator, and a healthcare provider, I can certainly assure you that I will no longer keep silent. I will do what I can to help save this great nation.

District 18, Congress
I ask you to let me be that voice to represent the true needs of the people. Let’s bridge the gap to bring success to our country.